SpiderGL : Example

< CaCaM-MLCK interaction >

After activation with 4 Calcium ions, Calmodulin binds MLCK that in turn activates Myosin protein.
Hide Particles    Stereo Mode    Atomic Mode

< Controls >

Use the Left Mouse Button to rotate the molecule(s), the wheel to zoom in and out and the commands at the bottom to change the view (add/remove EP line particles; toggle stereo view as side-by-side or anaglyph; see underlying atoms through a lens or in the entire molecule). For the side-by-side view, modify the distance between the 2 views using the keyboard: a to increase and z to decrease.

< Description >

Here, we show Calcium-Calmodulin and the MLCK head (residues 1464-1905, Q15746 Uniprot entry) at short distance: note how the EP of the two proteins seem to guide interaction and binding.

< Log >

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